Use hot stones to penetrate the acupuncture points for a full body massage. The hot stone slide on the skin, increasing the temperature of the afflicted area can relax and soothe muscles. At the same time, promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety.
Add-On Treatment
Add On Facial & Neck Treatment
Face Threading / Skin Radiant Meridian Scrapping / Relaxing Eyes / Necklift – RM68 (30 minutes)
Ear Candling & Face Moisturizing – RM88 (30 minutes)
Add On Body Treatment
Jade Stone Acupressure / Jade Stone Acupressure Foot & Shoulder / Relaxing Head & Shoulder with Paraffin / Warm Stone Acupressure / Hand or Foot Paraffin – RM69 (30 minutes)
Without Foot Paraffin RM138
With Foot Paraffin RM168
Use hot stones to penetrate the acupuncture points for a full body massage. The hot stone slide on the skin, increasing the temperature of the afflicted area can relax and soothe muscles. At the same time, promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety.
Add-On Treatment
Add On Facial & Neck Treatment
Face Threading / Skin Radiant Meridian Scrapping / Relaxing Eyes / Necklift – RM68 (30 minutes)
Ear Candling & Face Moisturizing – RM88 (30 minutes)
Add On Body Treatment
Jade Stone Acupressure / Jade Stone Acupressure Foot & Shoulder / Relaxing Head & Shoulder with Paraffin / Warm Stone Acupressure / Hand or Foot Paraffin – RM69 (30 minutes)
Without Foot Paraffin RM138
With Foot Paraffin RM168